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Showing posts from April, 2022

Adult Constipation Problems in 2022

  Constipation is a common problem in adults, especially when they start new jobs and encounter daily stressors, especially in the morning and before bed. Most people are aware of constipation and its symptoms, but they may not know what causes it or how to treat it. Â Constipation is a condition that causes hard and dry stools. It can cause pain, bloating, and cramping. A person with constipation may feel pressure in their rectum or abdomen. Gastrointestinal disorders can lead to other health problems. For example, chronic constipation can cause hemorrhoids and anal fissures. These conditions can result in pain and bleeding.  Gastrointestinal disease is a group of conditions that affect the entire digestive system. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Inflammation is a human body's natural protective mechanism to combat disease. In some cases, however, inflammation becomes chronic and harmful to your health. Inflammation is part of the human body's response to irritation. When somethin